"Pop-Out" Class: Designing the President


I'm so excited to be piloting a new "pop-up" class today called Designing the President at the Stanford d.school with my colleagues from Worldview Studio. This class is a non-partisan learning experience aimed at exploring how design and design tools might help stimulate a more thoughtful, discerning, balanced, and informed understanding of what the President's job is, as stated in the US Constitution, and what leadership qualities will best serve our shared future.

Design is a problem solving process and set of practices that helps us navigate ambiguity, learn from others, question the status quo, check our assumptions and biases, work around constraints, and give form to new ideas.

At its core, design creates clarity around values and purpose, and ignites personal agency and collective possibility.

In many ways, that’s exactly what our founding fathers had in mind when they created a new form of a democratic government over 200 years ago that begins with "We the People... "

Stay tuned for what we learn, and how to get involved!