Lisa Kay Solomon empowers leaders and learners to design better futures.

Working with Lisa
Lisa designs environments, experiences and classes to help people expand their futures, adapt to complexities, and build civic fellowship.
Her work blends imagination with possibility, building the capacity to take the long view when today’s problems seem overwhelming.

Bestselling Books
Moments of Impact
How to Design Strategic Conversations that Accelerate Change
In this bestselling book, Lisa Kay Solomon shares a learnable process and practical tips for how all leaders and managers can turn listless meetings into engaging strategic conversations that generate innovative ideas that lead to positive and lasting change.
Design a Better Business
New Tools, Skills, and Mindset for Strategy and Innovation
Innovation doesn’t have to be a mystery. Design A Better Business empowers all ambitious leaders, entrepreneurs, and change makers with the tools, skills, and process required to create value across organizations and ecosystems.
The Latest: Articles and Ideas